Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to Handle Salary Questions Before the Job Offer

How to Handle Salary Questions Before the Job Offer

With unemployment stuck at 9.1%, job seekers feel less empowered than ever. That makes it tough to know what to do when a hiring manager or company representative asks you about your salary requirements. Career coaches and negotiation specialists universally agree that it’s never a good idea to talk concrete numbers until you get a job offer. But how do you fend off the inevitable questions about salary before you get to that stage? “You’ve got to stonewall it,” says Kate Wendleton, founder and president of the Five O’Clock Club, the national job coaching firm. “If they’re looking to pay you $100,000 and you’re making $150,000, the minute you say $150,000, they’re going to say, you’re not going to be happy here.” Wendleton adds that even when you do your homework, it’s tough to know what number the employer has in mind, and how much room there is to negotiate. “If you name a low number, then they may decide, we can get this person cheap,” she notes. So what do you say instead? Before you even get to a potential salary question from the hiring manager, there is often the challenge of the online application that requires you to put a number in the salary field. Wendleton recommends simply entering the numeral zero. Five O’Clock Club coaches have been recommending that technique for some time. “It works,” she says. The next potential pitfall comes when the human resources representative or hiring manager asks in the first interview, or even via email, for your compensation history or salary requirement. If the query comes through email, you can respond, “why don’t we discuss compensation questions when we talk in person?” Stonewall, but in a polite and respectful way. When you do meet in person, or have a phone conversation, one response would be, “I’ve been making a competitive salary.”  Wendleton also recommends the following: “I’m truly interested in the job and I’m sure we can come to an agreement.” Another alternative: Turn the question back on your interviewer. Ask him if he can give you a sense of the range the job pays. Wendleton says the most productive thing you can do is ask how many other people are in the running for the job, and how you stack up against the competition. If the employer is talking to four other people, then ask what he sees as your positives and your negatives. Make it clear to the interviewer that you understand his concerns, and then write a follow-up letter specifically addressing them, instead of trying to improvise on the spot, advises Wendleton. “It’s much better to think about it and put it in writing.” Adds Wendleton, “most hiring managers are shocked when you ask that, but they do tell you.” She says that asking about your competition for a job can set a tone that will make the interviewer feel that he is talking to a peer, and that can be a good thing. Dawn Chandler, an assistant professor of management at California Polytechnic State University who teaches a course on negotiation that includes negotiating salary, agrees with Wendleton that stonewalling is the best tactic, particularly if you can do it diplomatically. If it’s early in the process, she recommends this response to the compensation question: “I really need to know more about where I fit within the organization, the requirements of the job and your expectations.” Some other possible responses: “I’d like to make a salary commensurate with my experience.” Or, “What’s most important to me is to talk about the value and the skills that I bring to the position. I’m sure that when we continue down the road, we can identify an overall package that meets my needs.” Another tactful line, especially if you’re pressed: “I’m aware of the range for this position and I view myself as bringing value on the higher end of that.” Yet another diplomatic yet evasive response, suggests Chandler: “This is really not so much about money for me. I’m more focused on the job, the challenge of the company culture and finding the right home for myself. I’m sure we can settle on an arrangement that’s mutually agreeable.” Chandler says that research shows that in rare cases, it can be OK to reveal a number. “It’s what’s called the anchoring effect,” she says. But applicants should only give a figure after they’ve done extensive research and gleaned solid information about the compensation range. For instance, if you have three friends who recently got hired by a consulting firm and they’ve reported back to you that the position pays between $85,000 and $100,000. Chandler says it can be helpful to talk about your skills and experience and then say you’d expect to earn $100,000. However if you can avoid naming a number, that’s always the best tactic. “It can be awkward,” notes Chandler, “but most people are not going to push back if you give a political answer.”

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